
Frequently asked questions

Please see below answers to all frequently asked questions
What is the technological platform you have developed?

The platform we have developed is based on advanced three-dimensional technologies from the gaming worlds that have enabled us to create a unique tool for converting two-dimensional content into an interactive and dynamic three-dimensional environment. We have invested considerable research and development efforts in creating innovative algorithms for fast and high-quality three-dimensional graphics processing and rendering that will work on top of the web browser without the need to download or install any software on end user computers.

What services do you provide?

We offer a holistic solution that includes dedicated modules for each area: a furniture conversion module, a module for designers and architects, a real estate module, and a module for private customers. Each module is tailored to the unique needs of each target audience.

  1. The furniture supplier module includes automatic conversion capabilities of the product catalog into high-quality 3D models. These products can be incorporated into interactive simulations and embed product information and purchase links.
  2. The designers and architects module allows uploading 2D files and automatically converting them into 3D. Products can be added from a vast library to create realistic renderings easily.
  3. The real estate developers module includes advanced simulation tools that enable interactive walkthroughs of projects not yet built. Walking paths, points of interest, and more can be defined to impress prospects.
  4. A private customer can upload home plans and get a 3D design proposal. The system allows quick changes of furniture, colors, and fixtures and immediately see the end result.
Is previous 3D knowledge required?

No prior knowledge or experience in the field is required. The system is completely intuitive and includes comprehensive guidance for new users.

What are the main differences between your platform and competing solutions?

We are an innovative company that has been leading the field for over a decade. We have accumulated extensive experience with leading customers across various industries and built a reputation for expertise and professionalism. The proprietary technologies we have developed allow us to offer unparalleled solutions. We are always at the forefront of technology.

There are several key differences - first, the unique technology we have developed allows the creation of exceptionally high-quality 3D content with very fast processing times. Second, there is tight integration with the systems of leading suppliers which provides logistical and marketing advantages. Third, the user interface is intuitive and user-friendly even for those without prior experience.

How can your platform help furniture suppliers promote sales?

We allow suppliers to showcase their products in an interactive 3D environment along with all the technical specifications. This way, customers can experience and get impressed with the products virtually prior to purchase. The presence of the products on the platform provides greater exposure for the brand, especially when designers incorporate them into client renderings. This strengthens branding and assists in recommending the products.

What are your plans to expand and improve the platform in the future?

We are planning to add new capabilities such as advanced support for AR and VR technologies, advanced AI tools to optimize workflows, expanding the digital product library, and more. Additionally, we will continue to enhance platform performance and user experience based on customer feedback.

How can the platform be customized to a client's specific needs?

We believe in personalized solutions tailored to each client. The platform includes various customization and expansion options beyond the basic functionality. We would be happy to meet and learn about your specific needs and provide a solution built just for you.

What adoption and implementation challenges can be expected by new clients?

There may be a transition challenge from existing tools to the new platform. We offer close guidance and training during the implementation process to facilitate this as much as possible. Also, the intuitive interface is designed to enable rapid adoption. However, changing work habits could be challenging for some users, but is absolutely worthwhile to transition to advanced technological tools, ensuring you never get left behind.

What would you say to someone who is not sure if your platform is right for them?

I suggest you give us one chance. See how our technology turns abstract ideas into tangible and exciting ones. We will work with you step-by-step to ensure the solution is perfectly tailored to your needs. And if in the end you are not satisfied, that's perfectly ok.